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On this tab, you can adjust settings related to Kentico CMS REST service. The following settings can be adjusted:



Service enabled

Enables or disables the Kentico CMS REST service.

Service enabled for

Choose if the REST service allows access to objects, documents, or both.

Authentication type

Determines which type of authentication the REST service uses. Supported types are Basic and Forms authentication.


Note: You can authenticate REST requests using the hash query string parameter in both modes.

Always check document security

If disabled, security is not checked when accessing published versions of documents. If enabled, security is always checked.

Document access is read only

If enabled, the REST service only allows GET requests for documents (documents cannot be modified).

Object access is read only

If enabled, the REST service only allows GET requests for objects (objects cannot be modified).

Allowed document types

Specifies a list of document types that the REST service is allowed to access. Enter the names of document types separated by semicolons.


If empty, all document types are allowed.

Allowed object types

Specifies a list of objects types that the REST service is allowed to access. If empty, all object types are allowed.

Generate authentication hash for URL

Click the link to generate an authentication hash for specific REST URLs.


Enter the full absolute URL of the REST request, including the protocol, website domain name, virtual directory, REST path, and query string parameters. For example:


The system adds the authentication hash parameter to the URL. You can copy the URL and use it to perform the REST request without any other type of authentication.




Only works for GET requests (read only data retrieval)

You cannot use hash parameter authentication for /all object retrieval requests (~/rest/<objecttype>/all).

Default encoding

Sets the character encoding that the REST service uses for requests that do not contain a supported Accept-Charset header.


Additional resources:


Developer's Guide -> Development -> REST service